Why Over-the-Rhine is the Perfect Place for a Food Tour
Being in the right place at the right time is always a good thing. Deciding to start Cincinnati Food Tours at this time, in this place, was even better. Culinary tourism has exploded, but the renaissance that has occurred in the Over-the-Rhine neighborhood of Cincinnati is what really jumpstarted our business.
Here’s why our Over-the-Rhine food tour just plain works:
- It’s walkable. Less than a square mile in area, Over-the-Rhine includes over 900 historic Italianate buildings. Sidewalks, public art, parks, and gardens make walking enjoyable.
- It’s packed with restaurants, bars, and pastry shops. Over 80 small, independent businesses from which to choose. No Starbucks or McDonald’s here.
- It’s diverse. All ages, ethnic groups, singles and families interact in Over-the-Rhine. Restaurants serve everything from empanadas to Belgian waffles.
- It’s changed. Years of blight and crime have been replaced by economic development, new energy, and community pride. No doubt, Over-the-Rhine is one of the best urban success stories in the United States.
Seeing is believing. Click here for reservations.