Stronger Together
We’re in Week 3 of learning to live with the COVID-19 situation in Ohio. Week 1 was a bit like a vacation. Schools closed, restaurants and bars changed gears, and people embraced “quality time” at home together. Week 2 was a week of introspection and acceptance, the time to figure out just how we were going to adjust. How could we work from home? Help our kids with remote learning? Buy groceries? What is it we really need? And here we are now in Week 3, where reality starts to take hold and the number one priority becomes staying healthy.
In the past few weeks, my small business has mirrored my home life. First, I enjoyed time to catch my breath. Then I figured out how I was going to change my business model to meet the current situation. And now, reality is setting in as I worry about the health of family and friends and the economic toll of a statewide Stay-at-Home order.
Experts say the simple joy of helping others reduces stress and boosts the immune system. Cutting the grass for a neighbor, picking up groceries for a friend, or dropping off a meal to a family member are just a few of the ways you can help right near home. But if we think bigger, there’s even more we can do. Support your local small businesses by ordering carryout or delivery. Buy gift cards to help keep the cash flowing. Send care packages to first responders. Donate to local, state, and federal relief organizations.
Life has changed. It’s now a marathon not a sprint. We don’t quite know where the finish line is, but we do know that we can help each other along the way. There’s no doubt that we’re STRONGER TOGETHER.
Just do it.
To help support Cincinnati Food Tours and five other small local businesses, visit